Recent papers in Raspberry Pi
The project entitled Diplorasis overlays multiple fields of enquiry. It appropriates and overlaps readings on embodied and disembodied vision in order to produce a contemporary understanding of duration. In particular, the work attempts.. more
The project entitled Diplorasis overlays multiple fields of enquiry. It appropriates and overlaps readings on embodied and disembodied vision in order to produce a contemporary understanding of duration. In particular, the work attempts to rethink how a stereoscopic vision and a cinematic vision might be re-configured and synthesized through the use of digital technologies.
    • by George Themistokleous
    • by Aditi Pardeshi
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Selamat datang di Web ini — untuk sekarang — terbatas guna mengarsipkan dokumentasi terkait penggunaan produk Raspberry Pi. Bersifat pribadi, bukan milik korporasi, dan tidak memiliki kaitan resmi dengan pihak Raspberry Pi. Ingin mengontak penulis? Kirimkan email ke

In 1903 the first airplane were made. Despite the war on pioneerism claims Santos Dumont vs. Wright Brothers, there is about 116 years humans flies on bird-based vehicles. There are always new versions, but the basis principle is kept the.. more
In 1903 the first airplane were made. Despite the war on pioneerism claims Santos Dumont vs. Wright Brothers, there is about 116 years humans flies on bird-based vehicles. There are always new versions, but the basis principle is kept the same. The exact title of this article, I've searched it on Google; surprisingly (or not-society didn't changed), there were no posts saying that, but just jokes and astrophysicist Neil claiming flying saucers aren't possible. Some humans haves the unhealthy desire to destructing instead of constructing, and all the biggest work positions are ready to obbey and say what the priviledged wants-as did against greek phylosophers. Like traditional money is the same (even digital credit-cards money is pegged to physical money) and Bitcoin innovation were received as a joke (I remember when I advertised BTC in 2016), flying saucers are possible but the human arrogance turns it into jokes: because jokes are easier than properly think. As people received Bitcoin in 2016 as a flying saucer and laughed at me, if today I advertise Duniter to the bitcoiners and Ethereum unicorns, they will also joke and see it as a flying saucer. If you understand about psychopaths, they sees birds as a meaning, and not as what they simply are. They compares people to bugs and themselves to birds. When they sees a airplane and its bird-based form, they began crazy and takes their cars to follow; and we have experience seeing that here. Who are the first persons to joke about flying saucers and pay professionals to minimize legitm talks to give place to jokes? Who are the first persons who don't want humanity to thrive? Psychopathy is linked to retrogradism. I'm hated a lot for researching about psychopathy and pointing concrete facts in my investigations about Freemasonry as the biggest crimminal organization (and responsible for the savagerism of capitalism). They joked and asked for professional labels, but: I have no problems on admitting I'm not a scientist, physicist, astro/quantum phisycist, aeronautics graduate, psychiatric, etc. Now is a tendence on neoliberalism to put unprofessional persons to manage professional things; I just see it as a distortion of my vision of generalism instead of specialism. I don't need to be a graduated specialist if I have ideals and good creativity. And right now (they knew my drawing before, when scanning it at cybercafe) they will hate me even more. The prepotent, arrogant, idealist, autist, dreammer and feminine (they considers feminity as a weak and bad thing) Daniell, who they says 'creates lots of nonsense things', now came with a drawing for a functional flying saucer starting from small non-tripulated vehicle to a tripulated hi-speed hybrid vehicle (for both atmosphere and spatial exploring) using anti-gravitational properties.
    • by Daniell W . J . Mesquita
Kecenderungan penggunaan Internet of Things (IoT) dalam otomasi rumah tangga telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang dipengaruhi oleh koneksi internet yang semakin cepat dan murah juga akibat peningkatan jumlah pengguna.. more
Kecenderungan penggunaan Internet of Things (IoT) dalam otomasi rumah tangga telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang dipengaruhi oleh koneksi internet yang semakin cepat dan murah juga akibat peningkatan jumlah pengguna smartphone dunia. Perangkat IoT yang tersedia di pasaran biasanya memiliki fitur yang terbatas dan sulit dikustomisasi. Salah satu alternatif yang ditawarkan untuk masalah tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan sendiri IoT menggunakan platform Arduino UNO atau Raspberry Pi, dua platform yang biasanya digunakan dalam pengembangan purwarupa perangkat keras. Kedua platform ini memiliki harga yang murah, mudah dikustomisasi, dan memiliki komunitas pengguna yang luas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan spesifikasi, fitur dan kemampuan kedua platform dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil yang diperolah dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk memilih platform mana yang paling cocok saat melakukan pengembangan purwarupa perangkat keras terutama perangkat Internet of Things. Penelitian yang dilakukan memperlihatkan bahwa Arduino UNO memiliki keunggulan dalam penggunaan pin analog dan digital serta port USB aktif, sedangkan Raspberry Pi memiliki keunggulan pada variasi peripheral yang dapat dihubungkan melalui port USB dan spesifikasi perangkat keras. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut maka solusi yang ditawarkan adalah menggabungkan platform Arduino UNO dan Raspberry Pi melalui koneksi port USB yang tersedia pada kedua platform.
    • by Irfan Ardiansah
This paper investigates based on Raspberry PI based home appliances control system using microcontroller system. The paper proposes to control home appliances remotely using smart phone. In this paper, Raspberry Pi is used as a sever for.. more
This paper investigates based on Raspberry PI based home appliances control system using microcontroller system. The paper proposes to control home appliances remotely using smart phone. In this paper, Raspberry Pi is used as a sever for connecting to Arduino microcontroller by sending string signal character from user. When Raspberry Pi received string data that sending via web control page and then transmit that string data to Arduino passes through logic level converter. Logic level converter is used as converting high voltage level of Arduino and low voltage level of Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi has already included Wifi hotspot router and the android mobile phone is used as a router in this paper. This home appliances control system uses in reality and very low cost in automation system field. Hay Man Oo Khin Thandar Tun Thin Thin Oo 'Raspberry PI Based Home Appliances Control System using Microcontroller' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: Paper URL
Learn raspberry pi
    • by International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - IJTSRD
As time goes by and the development of the times is very rapid increase in the number of vehicle volumes is increasing from year to year, coupled with automotive manufacturers who release their products at prices below the standard. This.. more
As time goes by and the development of the times is very rapid increase in the number of vehicle volumes is increasing from year to year, coupled with automotive manufacturers who release their products at prices below the standard. This of course can increase the volume of congestion which is the main problem, very heavy traffic causes more time wasted and consumes fuel. The solution offered to overcome the congestion problem is a Timer Traffic Light control system, which is a traffic management system on each road segment used to reduce congestion in traffic lights that occur in big cities today. For the future, this is very much needed, given the increasing number of vehicles queuing at the traffic light. In this study a controller model of Timer Traffic Light was created based on image processing with the Background Subtraction method using the Raspberry Pi. The Background Subtraction method is used to process images containing objects that have been captured on the highway using a camera, the images obtained can classify the condition of the road with parameters of empty, medium, and solid conditions. The images obtained are then forwarded to the Timer Traffic Light controller system with the hardware and software used in this study.
    • by Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship Journal
Security is an important part of everyday life. The main aim of the system is to develop a secured door lock system. The system consists of three sections. The first section is the face recognition system that is based on Haar like.. more
Security is an important part of everyday life. The main aim of the system is to develop a secured door lock system. The system consists of three sections. The first section is the face recognition system that is based on Haar like features detection method and Local Binary Pattern LBP recognition algorithm. The second section is the password security system. And the last section is the alert system through GSM module. The system is composed by the combination of face recognition security system, password security system and the alert system through the GSM module. In this system, the iteration used in face recognition system is reduced by using Local Binary Pattern LBP algorithm. In saving time, the processing time of this system, therefore, is better than that of the normal system. Soe Sandar Saw Aung Nyein Oo 'Development of a Secured Door Lock System Based on Face Recognition using Raspberry Pi and GSM Module' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: Paper URL
    • by International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - IJTSRD
    • by Federico Augusto Llanes
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In each college it is required to screen participation. Educators anticipate that understudies should be available in the majority of their classes. In each college participation is taken for consistently. By along these lines all in all.. more
In each college it is required to screen participation. Educators anticipate that understudies should be available in the majority of their classes. In each college participation is taken for consistently. By along these lines all in all one hour is squandered multi day. To discover an answer for this disadvantage biometric based participation observing framework is planned. This arrangements with face recognition to maintain every one of the insights about the participation of the understudies are as of now put away in the class database. Camera catches the substance of the understudy and contrasts it and the database. On the off chance that it matches than the participation is checked present, if not, the participation is stamped missing. Also, in the event that the understudies confront isn't in the database, it says the individual isn't approved. Queuing Petri nets usage produces different customer demands handling with more effectiveness and without hold up time. By along these lines participation is denoted each hour.
    • by IAEME Publication
In this paper we focus on detecting the missing parts of ships, submarines and aircrafts. The world of automation does not prefer time consuming processes in detection of missing parts. Hence, this marine metal detector is proposed.. more
In this paper we focus on detecting the missing parts of ships, submarines and aircrafts. The world of automation does not
prefer time consuming processes in detection of missing parts. Hence, this marine metal detector is proposed. Raspberry pi acts as the
core of the device. This device is activated when water sensor detects water. The device runs on renewable energy. The device submerges
and moves in the form of a sine wave. When any metal part is detected, the device goes to off state and comes to the surface of the water.
When the device starts floating, GSM module that is bridged to the device sends a message to the user through satellite. With GSM
signal as reference, the location will be tracked. This enables users to detect the missing parts within short range. The device is
conceptualized such that it is fully automated, eliminates man power, reduces time, utilizes renewable source, is compact in size and
requires very little or no maintenance.
    • by Janeera D A
This project seeks to improve network security thanks to the use of tools that can mitigate the theft of information or computer attacks within the business network of 'Pinturas Unidas'. It will demonstrate the way in which currently,.. more
This project seeks to improve network security thanks to the use of tools that can
mitigate the theft of information or computer attacks within the business network of
'Pinturas Unidas'. It will demonstrate the way in which currently, workers of this
company manipulate and record the information on formulas of paint products.
Currently the paint industry has been growing in the national market to the point of
seeking a highly competitive position that could demonstrate the quality and
uniqueness of its products. This leads to similar companies in the manufacture of
paints seeking to improve their position in the market, leading to the bad action of
accessing private networks of the company 'Pinturas Unidas' for the plagiarism of
information on the formulation of products and thus benefit to be pioneers in the
As a contribution of our project we propose an assurance of the entire network
infrastructure of the company, capable of restricting access to ports and specific
services, applying security policies within each department. It is suggested to have a
better management organization in which the Systems Manager has the ability to
detect any malicious act within the entire company network through the use of Kali
Linux for port scanning.
This application is designed based on the Raspberry Pi 3 B + minicomputer with a
GNU / Linux distribution. By means of a pentesting, all the scanning of ports of a
network is carried out, as well as all the intrusions that are being presented in the act
are visualized and reported, in order to avoid leakage of information on the formulation
of products. Among the benefits to be achieved with the project are: use of new
technologies, reduction of costs in the improvement of the network infrastructure and
save time when detecting any future computer attack on the company.
    • by Ahmed J Perez
Getting Started-4 Real-Time, Off-the-Grid Object Detection on Raspberry PI3 using Movidius Neural
    • by Oliver Rieder
Nation security is dependent on its defense system. The army is one of the defense systems. In this days terrorism increases and it focuses on soldiers' destruction to make countries' defense system weak. So, in this case, it is necessary.. more
Nation security is dependent on its defense system. The army is one of the defense systems. In this days terrorism increases and it focuses on soldiers' destruction to make countries' defense system weak. So, in this case, it is necessary to provide more security to military base station and soldiers. These all things keeping in mind this project is built. The project works for defending any unauthorized person to enter in the military area with Pi-camera, IoT server and wireless communication it will provide 24-hour security and attacks on military base station will be controlled. Along with this, sensors like heartbeat sensor and temperature sensor is used for daily fast routine checkup of soldiers
    • by Ijariit Journal
Communication is exchanging or transfer of the data so that the internet of things is but something like transferring of data or things or we can say exchanging several things. The use of authorized systems from the help of the internet.. more
Communication is exchanging or transfer of the data so that the internet of things is but something like transferring of data or things or we can say exchanging several things. The use of authorized systems from the help of the internet is calculated as by 2020 that there will be the availability of billions of systems all around. The objective for the project shall be defining safekeeping alert system of devices by taking care of the power-related aspects by the internet of things.
    • by Ijariit Journal
Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. As it poses a serious global hea lth problem, the project proposes to develop a device to detect malaria parasite accurately with the hope of.. more
Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. As it poses a serious global hea lth problem, the project proposes to develop a device to detect malaria parasite accurately with the hope of reducing death rate due to malaria. In this device, a digital microscope camera is used to obtain color images from giemsa stained blood films. Digital image processing techniques are applied to these images to detect malarial parasites. Processing of the image is done on a Raspberry pi platform. The aim of the project is to create a fully portable and automated device that can be used with minimum training to detect malarial infection with a high degree of accuracy. The proposed malaria diagnostic device will be helpful when lab technicians who are trained in microscopic analysis of blood samples are not available. It will also limit human error in the detection o f the presence of parasites in the blood sample. Automated diagnostic techniques can also notably decrease the time needed for diagnosis of the disease. This device will result in early onset of treatment saving many lives .
Current understanding of landslide deformation mechanisms and their impact on buried infrastructure in a hill side is not validated by any physical modelling. Centrifuge modelling has been undertaken in a 1 metre diameter drum to.. more
Current understanding of landslide deformation mechanisms and their impact on buried infrastructure in a hill side is not validated by any physical modelling. Centrifuge modelling has been undertaken in a 1 metre diameter drum to reproduce landslides in natural soil. The surface deformations of this geohazard are being captured using a low-cost close-range photogrammetry solution, using a purpose built small-scale Raspberry Pi camera system. A series of eight stereo view cameras have been developed in the drum centrifuge space smaller than 150 mm2 to capture rapid photo sets, for reproduction of three-dimensional point clouds. The accuracy of the system has been measured to 0.15 mm. This has been coupled with cross-sectional direct image correlation (DIC), to link the surface expression of the landslide, to subsurface strain patterns for the first time.
The model is being used to study the impact of permanent ground deformations on buried pipelines in hillsides. The strain of the pipeline has been captured using Fibre-Bragg grating (FBG) sensor arrays. The method to reproduce landslides that can be studied for soil-structure interaction is discussed. Taken together with the photogrammetry and strain data from FBG measurements on the pipe, the strain transmission of landslides to pipelines is presented.
    • by Geoff Eichhorn
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Raspberry Pi is the name of a series of single-board computers made by the, a UK charity that aims to educate people in computing and create easier access to computing education.The Raspberry Pi launched in 2012, and there have been several iterations and variations released since then. The original Pi had a single-core 700MHz CPU and just 256MB RAM, and the latest model has a quad-core 1.4GHz CPU with 1GB RAM. The main price point for Raspberry Pi has always been $35 and all models have been $35 or less, including the Pi Zero, which costs just $5.All over the world, people use Raspberry Pis to learn programming skills, build hardware projects, do home automation, and even use them in industrial applications.The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap computer that runs Linux, but it also provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins that allow you to control electronic components for physical computing and explore the Internet of Things (IoT).See and download the. What Raspberry Pi models have been released?There have been three generations of Raspberry Pis: Pi 1, Pi 2, and Pi 3, and there has generally been a Model A and a Model B of most generations. Model A is a cheaper variant and tends to have reduced RAM and ports like USB and Ethernet. The Pi Zero is a spinoff of the original (Pi 1) generation, made even smaller and cheaper.

Model (release date)PricePi 1 Model B (2012)$35Pi 1 Model A (2013)$25Pi 1 Model B+ (2014)$35Pi 1 Model A+ (2014)$20Pi 2 Model B (2015)$35Pi Zero (2015)$35Pi 3 Model B (2016)$35Pi Zero W (2017)$35Pi 3 Model B+ (2018)$35Pi 3 Model A+ (2019)$25If you want to know which Pi is right for you, see What's the Raspberry Pi Foundation?The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. It does this by providing low-cost, high-performance computers that people use to learn, solve problems, and have fun. It provides outreach and education to help more people access computing and digital making—it develops free resources to help people learn about computing and making things with computers and also trains educators who can guide other people to learn.and are part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, although these programs are platform-agnostic (not tied to Raspberry Pi hardware).

Raspberry Pi promotes these clubs and helps grow the network around the world in order to ensure every child has access to learning about computing. Similarly, are Raspberry Pi-focused events for people of all ages to come together to learn about Raspberry Pi and share ideas and projects.Is the Raspberry Pi open source?The Raspberry Pi operates in the open source ecosystem: it runs Linux (a variety of distributions), and its main supported operating system, Raspbian, is open source and runs a suite of open source software.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation contributes to the Linux kernel and various other open source projects as well as releasing much of its own software as open source.The Raspberry Pi's are released, but the board itself is not open hardware. The Raspberry Pi Foundation relies on income from the sale of Raspberry Pis to do its charitable work.What can you do with a Raspberry Pi?Some people buy a Raspberry Pi to learn to code, and people who can already code use the Pi to learn to code electronics for physical projects. The Raspberry Pi can open opportunities for you to create your own home automation projects, which is popular among people in the open source community because it puts you in control, rather than using a proprietary closed system.Here are some of the projects you can tackle with Raspberry Pi:.Also, see these. Want to read more Raspberry Pi articles?.And finally, don't miss the. For more discussion on open source and the role of the CIO in the enterprise, join us at.The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red aspires to publish all content under a but may not be able to do so in all cases. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permission to reuse any work on this site.

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