Sistem informasi tentang dinas pendidikan Tasikmalaya (informasi instansi, berita pendidikan tasikmalaya, jadwal kegiatan dinas pendidikan, daftar guru, sekolah,ataupun Nem passing grade) yang sulit diakses oleh user eksternal ataupun internal yang sedang membutuhkan informasi tentang dinas pendidikan. Sistem Informasi Perjalanan Dinas merupakan sistem yang dibangun untuk proses surat perintah perjalanan dinas (SPPD) berupa input data pegawai, kegiatan, penandatangan, transport, biaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Badan Penaggulanggan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Provinsi Kalimantan Timur yang beralokasi di Samarinda dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yaitu metode pengumpulan data, studi.

.Dhanu Priyo Prabowo2011-06-01Full Text Available Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Ja- wa. Sebagai karya fiksi, kisah perjalanan model Jawa memendam dan menyiratkan tan- da-tanda yang berupa simbol-simbol yang harus diungkapkan kerumitan-kerumitan ni- lainya.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teori semiotika. Teori semiotika menempatkan kar- ya sastra sebagai sistem tanda. Adapun metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode kuali- tatif.

Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui teknik studi pustaka. Dari hasil analisis dapat diungkapkan bahwa inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Jawa dilakukan oleh tokoh cerita demi tujuan-tujuan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pendewasaan dan pe- nyempurnaan diri selama hidup di dunia. Karya sastra Jawa genre kisah perjalanan mo- del Jawa ini mampu mentransformasikan budaya sastra Jawa yang lebih tua. Abstract: This paper aims to reveal initiation in Javanese model of travel writing. As fictional work, the travel writing in Javanese model contains and reflects signs in symbols that have to be revealed their detail values. The research was conducted using semiotics theory. The theory posits literary work as a sign symbol.

Halo 4 free download passcode. For example, if a child is signed in, the guest is restricted by the child's settings.Can a guest make purchases using the host account's payment instrument?No, the host's payment options and subscriptions are not added to the guest account.


The method conducted in this research was qualitative. The result shows that initiation in Javanese travel writing is conducted by those characters to perfect themself in living in the world. Javanese literary works in travel writing genre in Javanese model are able to transform older Javanese literary culture. Key Words: literature; transformation; initiations; educative; religious.Adhianty Nurjanah2015-07-01Full Text Available This research is aims to determine how the media relations activities that have been done 10 Public Relations Higher Education, including the possibility of granting cultural envelope in media relations activities during this do. The object of this study is ten (10 Universities in Yogyakarta that consists of three (3 State University (PTN and seven (7 Colleges (PTS.

Variations and types of media relations activities have been conducted by 10 universities. The reason is because the electoral college to ten (10 college is a big college in the city of Yogyakarta who own Public Relations and media relations activities that have a systematic and well-planned. In the course of media relations, Public Relations universities do culture accepting envelopes to reporters on the grounds reimburse the costs of transport and not as a 'bribe' so that they publicized the news and as a means of imaging the institution. Publicist colleges feel that culture provides envelopes to reporters did not violate the code of ethics of their profession as a Public Relations, On the other hand for journalists, cultural granting envelope can interfere with the independence and constitute a violation of the code of ethics of their profession as journalists. Yet there are also journalists who will receive an envelope in their reporting activities.

The discrepancies in the implementation of the code of ethics of journalism, is strongly influenced by the integrity of journalists and policies that apply to each media institution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kegiatan media relations yang telah dilakukan 10 Public Relations / Humas Perguruan Tinggi tersebut, termasuk kemungkinan adanya budaya pemberian amplop dalam kegiatan media relations yang selama ini dilakukan.

Objek penelitian ini adalah sepuluh (10 Perguruan Tinggi di Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari tiga (3 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN dan tujuh (7 Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS. Beragam variasi dan jenis.Danny Manongga2009-01-01Full Text Available Tourist information system is an information system which built to fulfil the needs of information from tourists. This kind of information can be split into three major phases: pre-visiting information (before the trip, in site information and post-visiting (after the trip information. A good tourist information system should support all of this phase.

But in this case, the system will more concern to the second phase. In the second phase, the tourist already has a plan, what he wants to see, and what he wants to do and knows all the information required.

Information from a guide book or map will help them find a location of a place or which way they should take and help them figured out the location of the places. To provide this kind of information, geographic information system (GIS seems to be a good tool to handle this problem. GIS has capability to provide information and deliver them as guidance to user in a map form. The map consists of some space data and description about that space data. GIS could provide information such as a map of the important places like hotel, restaurant, tourist site, bank and the others, and about the street that pass all the places and providing some description about the places or street. This system will be applied to Semarang, with the searching tool as a major tools and information about all the tourism facilities in Semarang provided for the tourist with some pictures of them.

With all the capability of GIS may tourist could have some guidance to help them along their trip in Semarang. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Sistem informasi wisata adalah sistem informasi yang dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi wisatawan.

Informasi dibedakan menjadi tiga bagian yaitu informasi sebelum perjalanan, informasi saat perjalanan dan informasi setelah perjalanan. Sebuah sistem informasi wisata yang baik harus dapat menyediakan informasi dari keseluruhan bagian tersebut.

Penelitian ini menekankan pada bagian yang.Dedy Haryadi2017-07-01Full Text Available Network File System (NFS dan Common Internet File System (CIFS merupakan protokol yang biasa dipakai dalam melakukan pertukaran berkas di dalam sebuah jaringan komputer yang terhubung dengan Network Attached Storage. Mudahnya dalam bertukar berkas dalam sebuah jaringan tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya pertukaran berkas yang bersifat ilegal ataupun berkas yang mengandung tindak kejahatan.

Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah model pendekatan investigasi forensik dalam proses pertukaran berkas di sebuah jaringan komputer. Proses akuisisi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 model, yaitu: akuisisi secara langsung pada mesin peladen file-sharing dan akuisisi secara langsung melalui jaringan.

Akuisisi secata langsung pada mesin peladen berfokus pada proses akuisisi log dari mesin peladen yang dihasilkan dari layanan samba dan direktori pertukaran berkas. Akusisi secara langsung melalui jaringan berfokus pada direktori pertukaran berkas yang diakses oleh pengguna. Model akuisisi ini berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC tentang Pedoman Identifikasi, Pengumpulan, Akuisisi dan Preservasi Bukti Digital yang fokus pada barang bukti elektronik kritis dengan kondisi tidak diperkenankan mati atau shutdown.Landung Sudarmana2017-04-01Full Text Available Biro perjalanan haji dan umrah adalah suatu bentuk perusahaan jasa yang bertujuan untuk membantu calon jama’ah dalam melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah. Dalam prosesnya, perusahaan biro perjalanan haji dan umrah akan memberikan penawaran berupa paket perjalanan ibadah haji maupun umrah yang dapat dipilih sendiri oleh calon jama’ah. Banyaknya biro perjalanan haji dan umrah di Yogyakarta menuntut keselektifan calon jama’ah dalam memilih biro perjalanan haji dan umrah yang akan digunakan, agar terhindar dari biro jasa yang tidak profesional yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi calon jama’ah di kemudian hari, seperti penipuan, jama’ah haji ilegal maupun sarana dan prasarana yang tidak layak selama melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah.

Namun untuk mensurvei satu persatu biro jasa perjalanan haji dan umrah yang ada di Yogyakarta membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang tidak sedikit, hal inilah yang menyebabkan kecenderungan calon jama’ah malas untuk melakukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi bagi calon jama’ah dalam memilih biro perjalanan haji dan umrah di Yogyakarta secara online. Sistem ini dirancang berbasis web menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySql sebagai database engine dengan Simple Additive Weighting sebagai metode untuk mencari alternatif terbaik bedasarkan kriteria- kriteria yang telah ditentukan.

Sistem pendukung keputusan ini memiliki tiga hak akses yang berbeda yaitu admin, biro haji dan calon jama’ah haji dan dapat diakses secara online. Admin memiliki hak untuk mengelola seluruh data yaitu data profil biro, data peket perjalanan, data kriteria, data subkriteria dan data rating kecocokan.

Biro haji memiliki hak mengelola datanya sendiri dengan cara login dahulu. Calon jama’ah memilki hak melakukan perekomendasian dan melihat informasi profil biro yang sudah terdaftar dalam sistem. Sistem ini telah berjalan dengan baik.Anita Hidayati2006-07-01Full Text Available Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis berbasis web untuk aplikasi perjalanan wisata saat ini masih sangat terbatas.

Terutama di Indonesia dan khususnya untuk Surabaya. Kebanyakan aplikasi tersebut sebatas menampilkan peta statis, sehingga user tidak bisa berkomunikasi secara interaktif.Dalam jurnal ini dibuat aplikasi perjalanan wisata berbasis web yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu bagi para wisatawan untuk dapat melakukan perjalanan secara efektif dan mudah. Aplikasi ini menggunakan script Avenue untuk mengintegrasikan ArcView GIS sebagai map server dan ArcView IMS sebagai internet map servernya. Untuk pengolahan hasilnya digunakan Network Analyst yang dikombinasikan dengan algoritma pencarian rute Bubble Sort.Aplikasi ini menghasilkan sistem penjadwalan terbaik pada lama perjalanan dan waktu tutup obyek wisata, juga pemberian saran tentang jadwal keberangkatan dan lama wisata yang sebaiknya dilakukan. Wisatawan akan memperoleh rute beserta petunjuk jalannya. Di samping itu juga informasi tentang fasilitas-fasilitas terdekat dari obyek wisata sewaktu dilakukan pemberhentian dan informasi umum bidang pariwisata.Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Geografis, web, aplikasi perjalanan wisata, system penjadwalan.Muhammad Amrin Lubis2017-02-01Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjawab permasalahan kondisi beragamnya informasi yang disajikan di berbagai web rendahnya keinginan wisatawan berkunjung kesuatu lokasi wisata. Sistem informasi GIS menggunakan informasi spasial yang efektif untuk kehidupan manusia, dalam konteks ini berarti serangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari interoperabilitas antara unsur-unsur dunia nyata untuk tujuan penggunaan secara umum.

Informasi spasial berupa lokasi objek wisata dibutuhkan untuk menandai objek wisata pada peta, tempat atau posisi lokasi dalam bentuk koordinat berdasarkan garis bujur dan garis lintang untuk mengetahui letak objek wisata secara geografi. Query yang ditulis dalam fungsi-fungsi aplikasi akan terpicu membaca database untuk menghasilkan informasi peta lokasi wisata, jarak tempuh, hotel, restoran, biro perjalanan dan informasi lain ketika icon di click oleh wisatawan. Informasi yang tersedia dapat menumbuhkan keinginan wisatawan untuk berkunjung ketempat wisata.Kata Kunci: wisatawan; geografi informasi sistem; spasial; queryThe purpose of this study to address the condition of the diversity of the information presented in the various web reduce the desire of tourists visiting tourist destination.

GIS information systems using spatial information effectively to human life, in this context means a series of activities consisting of interoperability between the elements of the real world for general purpose use. Spatial information in the form of tourist sites needed to mark the attraction on the map, place or position of the location in the form of coordinates based on the longitude and latitude to determine the geographical location of the attraction. Queries written in the application functions will be triggered to read the database to generate information maps tourist location, mileage, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and other information when clicking the icon on tour. The information available to foster tourists to visit tourist.Margaretta Andini Nugroho2017-09-01Full Text Available A marketing strategy is needed by Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan Wisata (PS D-III UPW of Jember University, in order to increase more students. Since the last few years, the students of PS D-III UPW has been decreased.

This study has the objective to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PS D-III UPW, and formulate the marketing strategy, by using analysis method of IFAS, EFAS, SWOT and QSPM. The result of IFAS and EFAS identify that PS D-III UPW has 16 factors of strength, 14 factors of weakness, 6 factors of opportunity and 3 factors of threat. The result of SWOT identifies some alternative strategies, which are technology information, student motivation, cooperation within tourism industry, promotion, facilities, competitive product, learning system, quality of human resource, and involvement of the students at Jember tourism events. The QSPM identifies that improvement of promotion as the first priority strategy.- Subandi2013-12-01Full Text Available The inter relationship between religion and mental illness is very complex. Religion can be an effective therapy but it can also be the trigger of mental illness. This study aims at exploring religious and spiritual issues among psychotic patients. This study employs a qualitative case study method.

The subjects were 7 patients who suffered from a first episode psychotic disorders. They were recruited based on the diagnosis provided by two mental hospitals in Yogyakarta. Data were collected through interviews and observations, either directly to the subject or to the family caregivers.

Several themes in this study showed that religion had a role in triggrering psychotic disorder through internal moral conflict and external conflict between particular religious groups and traditions. Some religious issues were also present in the symptoms of psychotic disorder particularly in the content of delusion and hallucination. The adventure of hatim all episode download 3gp free.

Meanwhile, religious coping played an important role in the process of recovery. Participants understood that their illness was their destiny (takdir which had to be accepted (nrimo.

Acceptance of participants’ destiny did not associate with fatalistic attitude. On the contrary, their understanding that the illness was from God meant that it could be cured. This understanding provided a light of hope which ignited their effort (usaha to solve their problem. Keywords: course of mental illness, religion, religious coping.Muhammad Reza Zaini2014-01-01Full Text Available This article argue that “Chinese-ness” is an achievable entity to a social group withindigenous cultural identity. Previous studies tend to define ethnic identity as asingle and objective entity. This study offers a new understanding on ethnic identity.Identity is defined as a process to identify a certain collectivity in which an individualfeels he/she belonged to, while ethnicity is one of the manifestations of collectivities.Thus, identity is a subjective process, where each individual plays a significant role indetermining his/her collectivity as his/her alter-ego. While ethnicity is an objectiveprocess, in which the society determine an individual’s collectivity.

This qualitativeresearch is conducted by interviewing seven informants with grounded approach, inwhich the researcher tries to build concepts from the collected data. This study pintedout that Cina Benteng is the whole community of Peranakan Chinese living in thecountryside of Tangerang.

However, some of its communities rejected that notion,and identified themselves as “orang keturunan”, a term which bought them closer tothe indigenous identity. Through a long process, as a result of historic, infrastructure, demographic, and economic change, they eventually identified themselves as CinaBenteng, a term which bought them closer to the Chinese identity. Artikel ini memiliki argumen bahwa “ke-Tionghoa-an” merupakan sesuatu yang dapat dicapai oleh sekelompok individu yang pada dasarnya memiliki identitas yang dekat dengan etnis pribumi. Selama ini, identitas etnis didefinisikan sebagai entitas tunggal yang bersifat objektif. Namun, penelitian ini memberikan definisi baru mengenai identitas etnis. Identitas adalah sebuah proses mengidentifikasi kolektivitas yang menjadi acuannya, sedangkan etnisitas merupakan salah satu dari banyak kolektivitas.

Identitas adalah suatu proses subyektif dimana individu berperan penting untuk menentukan kolektivitas mana yang merupakan alter ego-nya. Sedangkan etnisitas adalah proses obyektif, dimana kelompoklah yang menetapkan keanggotaan seorang individu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan umumnya Cina Benteng dianggap sebagai seluruh Tionghoa “peranakan” yang menetap di daerah pinggiran Tangerang. Namun, beberapa anggotanya di Desa Situgadung pada awalnya menolak hal itu, dan mengaku sebagai orang “keturunan”, suatu istilah yang mendekatkan komunitas ini pada kelompoketnis pribumi. Melalui proses yang panjang, sebagai akibat dari perubahan sejarah,infrastruktur, demografis, dan ekonomi, mereka akhirnya mengaku dan bangga sebagai Cina Benteng, satu istilah yang mendekatkan mereka dengan etnis Tionghoa.

Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan mewawancarai tujuh informan dengan menggunakan pendekatan grounded, dimana peneliti berusaha membangun konsep dari data yang dihimpun di lapangan.Ilim Abdul Halim2016-09-01Full Text Available This study argues that existence of the phenomenon of the rise of Sundanese culture can not be separated from the system itself Sundanese community trust formed by faith and history. Study of psychotherapy cult journey in the context of Indonesia is based on Pancasila considered important as the framework and work in maintaining national integration. Kebatinan flow trip is not only seen as a culture but can also be understood as a religion, because religious elements contained in the flow of mysticism that trip. In kebatinan trips are shared values that cageur, bageur, right, smart and safe. The values of religious sourced from wangsit used as a way to understand the Pancasila as the state.Nelsye Natalina Lintong2015-09-01Full Text Available Alindo Dewata Tours Bali as an inbound tours companydeals with the competitors by applying competitive strategy.Nevertheless the competitive strategy applied is not maximumyet.

It is apparently seen at the average growth of touristsnumber handled since 2004-2013 by the company only 5,97%.Therefore, this study has the objective to know what internalexternal factors that give influences and competitive strategy tobe applied in the company. This research using analysis toolsof Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE matrix, External FactorEvaluation (EFE matrix for general strategy, Internal External(IE matrix, Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOTmatrix for alternative strategy and Quantitative StrategicPlanning Matrix (QSPM for priority strategy. The result of IFEmatrix indicates bundle pricing policy as the prime strengthand the application of the management information system notmaximum as the prime weakness. EFE matrix indicates qualitystrategy contributes the service as prime opportunity and thedependency on the foreign travel agencies as prime threat.Based on IE matrix, the company’s position is at five (V levelfor resistance and endurance strategy.

SWOT matrix indicateseight competitive strategic alternatives. Suggested first priorityby QSPM is to develop market segment, both overseas anddomestic market.Ade Suherlan2016-02-01Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the characteristics, behaviors and motivations of tourists from North Sulawesi trip to Jakarta. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative method. The data used is primary data and secondary data collection method through survey questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussion. Data analysis used SPSS statistical analysis includes frequency and cross-tab analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results of this study of which are domestic tourists from North Sulawesi classified as 'Upper Market' and prestigious tourist fond of, and impressed consumptive, hedonist, shopping, parties and meals.

Travelers from North Sulawesi like to go to some of the famous tourist destinations. Travelers from North Sulawesi more confident when to travel alone in the country. The main obstacle is the lack of information about Jakarta especially for the people of North Sulawesi, unavailability of brochures about Jakarta in service, not available tourist maps. Information about the attractions that can be visited very minimal and should be provided free of charge such as tourist information facilities at the airport, in the center of the crowd, tourist destination, and so on.

Packaging destination must be continuously improved; Jakarta is highly prestigious for the people of North Sulawesi.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v4i3.2432.Kartika Gunadi2002-01-01Full Text Available Many people need geographical information nowadays, such as: the distance between areas, information about some areas, information about nature resources in that area, to search for accident area, and others geographical information. Geographical Information System (GIS is only one from many others solution to seek for geographical information. This research aim is to make software that can give some geographical information for shortest path between towns in East Java. Others information that can be gain is information about governmental, population, tourism places, mountains, special food, handicraft, and traditional art.

This software is designed with database not using satellite, so much cheaper compare with using satellite. This software use Dijkstra's method to seek the shortest path from one node to another node in the picture, so this program can't give alternative path. GIS can give answer for anything that related with geographical situation.

Peoples can use GIS power to reach for a better life. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Informasi mengenai geografi semakin dibutuhkan oleh banyak pihak, misalnya informasi untuk mengetahui jarak antara satu daerah dengan daerah lain, informasi seputar daerah yang diinginkan, informasi tentang sumber daya alam yang dicari, informasi untuk menemukan lokasi kecelakaan dengan cepat, dan banyak informasi mengenai geografi lainnya. Geographical Information Systems (GIS merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mendapatkan informasi geografi tersebut. Tujuan perancangan adalah membuat suatu perangkat lunak yang dapat memberikan informasi geografi mengenai rute jalan terpendek antara kota yang satu dengan kota yang lainnya di Jawa Timur.

Sedangkan informasi lainnya yang dapat diperoleh antara lain informasi mengenai pemerintahan, jumlah penduduk, tempat wisata, nama gunung, makanan khas, kerajinan, dan `kesenian tradisional yang berasal dari suatu daerah. Program ini dirancang tanpa menggunakan satelit namun hanya menggunakan database, sehingga penggunaannya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan menggunakan satelit. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Dijkstra's yang merupakan salah satu algoritma yang berguna untuk mencari lintasan terpendek dari satu titik ke titik lain dalam gambar. Metode Dijkstra's dipilih karena metode ini hanya mengeluarkan satu nilai output yang merupakan lintasan terpendek. Oleh karena itu, program ini tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan jalan alternatif.

GIS dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi keingintahuan manusia terhadap segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan keadaan geografi. Masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan semua kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh GIS untuk menjalankan kehidupan ke arah yang lebih baik. Kata kunci: Geographical Information Systems, Dijkstra.Furry Arifin2014-12-01Full Text Available Some travel agencies have difficulty in monitoring the operational control and generating financial report. This is due to the operation of the data storage for business transactions conducted separately, and the reporting of the financial statements company are still found not in accordance with the bank reconciliation.

In this study, the methodology the system development life cycle (SDLC is used ranging from data collection through interview, observation and study of the literature up to the stage of application development, namely the analysis phase in the travel agency using the method of direct observation of the flow through the reporting process. After that, go into the design stages of database design methods and user interface. Global Travel Agency System Solutions (GTASS product is the integration system designed specifically for the corporate travel agency that exists to facilitate control operations, such as creating a bill (invoice, Letter of Gurantee (LG and financial oversight as receipts and expenditure of money.


With the ease of processing, then the presentation of the financial statements can be done automatically. Important early financial supervision carried out by the travel agency due to an increase in sales without adequate consideration of financial supervision, will lead to the emergence of new problems, which in turn will hamper efforts to increase the sales.Trias Septyoari Putranto2013-05-01Full Text Available Research aims to measure the quality of service, and to measure customer satisfaction with the service Travel Bureau (BPW. It can thus be identified variable service according to the needs and expectations of customers as well as the variables that need improvement. Samples taken in this research were customers coming to the BPW office, with a sample size of 110 customers by random sampling of 50 customers. Method of analysis used was Importance-Performance Analysis.I Putu Pradipa Artawan2017-01-01Full Text Available Indonesia especially Bali has a huge potential in the field of tourism. It can be seen from a wide range of beautiful natural scenery, culture, history of the nation, festivals and ceremonies are unique, different kinds of art and crafts, and a number of very attractive place for tourists throughout the year.

The study aims is to determine the marketing strategy of the company's tour packages PT. Vast Alliance Tour who can be success to attract tourists to use the services at PT. Vast Alliance Tour. The analysis using SWOT to determine what the is right strategy which can be used to market package of PT. Vast Alliance Tour. This study led to the conclusion that that the marketing strategies undertaken by PT. Vast Alliance Tour in promoting its products through website, brochures, and sales calls.

Products offered by PT. Vast Alliance Tour package in the form of packages like rafting, water sports, cruise, spa, and and much more. Strategy undertaken in this study using the SWOT analysis is to combine the strengths and opportunities that can cover the weaknesses and threats that exist in the relevant product market.Audrey Maximillian Herli2015-04-01Full Text Available Hotel search was an important thingfor travelers in their traveling journey. Travelers would consider criteria such as class, price and review of the hotel.Beside those things, distance between Hotel and tourist attractionswasalsoimportant factor to be considered. In this research, system was constructed to perform a hotels search by shortest travelling route using Greedy Algorithm. This research was conducted through four stages, the first stage wasdata and information collectingof tourist attraction and hotel. Second stagewasdata analysis with greedy algorithm in purpose to classify the data and implementing greedy algorithm with manual calculation to the problem research.

The third stage was the development of the system, and the last stage wasevaluating the system with the experts who are experienced in the field of tourism and the prospective user of this application. Results from this study was the system can provide recommendations and sequence the shortest journey between the hotel and tourist attraction based on the greedy algorithm.Rafii, Ahmad207016003 The choice of travel time which is part of the process of traffic movement as the follow-up of distribution trip consists of special modes according to the stages of choosing mode and route. The mode movements for road infrastructure will be the burden for the chosen roads which include the whole stretches of the available network.

The analysis of choosing time is done by using previous travel data, compared with the data by using navigation system to get the description of accur.Yeni Yanti2017-01-01Full Text Available Information is necessary for life because everything can not be done properly in the absence of information. The security problem is one of the most crucial aspects of a file containing sensitive information, for example, medical record files. Often, the file owner, designer, and manager of the information systems pay less attention to the security issues. One way to anticipate this is by using a cryptographic method, which is the science and art to keep the message security. This study aimed to evaluate the performance analysis and building a security system prototype of medical record files using the 4DES algorithm.

The 4DES algorithm is a variant of the 3DES algorithm that is more robust and capable of protecting information properly. The 4DES security system has four keys; each key has a key length of 64 bits so that the total length of four keys is 256 bits and K1≠K2≠K3≠K4. The encrypted / decrypted files (Word, Excel, and Image using an external key of minimum eight characters (64 bits. During encryption, there was an addition of padding bytes in each of data block size to minimalized attack from the attacker using a CBC operation mode process. Results showed that the processing speed of the encrypted files using the 4DES was 1 second faster than that of using the 3DES algorithm. Also, the 4DES algorithm has superiority regarding of file safety, which has time enduring 3.45 x1056years longer to brute force attack technique which able to discover text file and the secret key.