
Open the Activities overview and start typing About. Click on About to open the panel. A window appears showing information about your system, including your distribution’s name and the GNOME version.

Set up dual monitors in Windows 10. In order to connect the computers, you will require some wires and connectors. Check for the different ports available in your PC. Laptops contain a single HDMI port and a VGA port at times. Make sure your PC supports set up for multiple monitors before you actually purchase HDMI cable. How to set up dual monitors with hdmi. To set up dual monitors, first identify your computer’s video connection type, such as HDMI or DVI, by checking the back of the monitor or CPU case. Then, plug the cable from the second monitor into the free port on your computer. If you don’t have the correct cable, buy one online or at a tech department store.

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There are two ways to check which version of Ubuntu you are running. You can either check from within Unity, or put in a short command line in the Terminal.


In Unity

Unity is the default desktop environment since Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal). Please note that this method will only show a partial version number. If you need a full version number like 14.04.1 LTS instead of 14.04 LTS you will need to use the terminal method.

  1. Open System Settings

  2. Click on Details

Your version will be shown under the Ubuntu logo.

In the Terminal

This method will work no matter which version of Ubuntu or desktop environment you are running.

  1. Open the Terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T)

  2. Enter the command lsb_release -a

Your version will be shown on the Description line.