Application Information


Amount Awarded

Continuing higher education can be financially challenging and poses a significant financial investment. Students who demonstrate a dedication to their academic pursuits and their community should be rewarded. The Dominguez Firm is happy to announce its new academic scholarship programs for 2019. Two scholarships will be offered.


Application Deadline

July 31

Missouri Department of Higher Education

Up to $3,000 annually, based on the students ACT and SAT scores, and renewable for up to 10 semesters or until the completion of a bachelor's degree, whichever occurs first.

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ABDUR-RAHMAN BIN MULJAM, POTRET BURAM SEORANG KORBAN PEMIKIRAN KHAWARIJ. Oleh Muhammad ‘Ashim bin Musthafa. Kebenaran pemahaman dan itikad yang baik merupakan tonggak penting dalam mengaplikasikan ajaran Islam secara benar. Ibn Miskawayh (Persian: مُسکویه ‎, 932–1030), full name Abū ʿAlī Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaʿqūb ibn Miskawayh was a Persian chancery official of the Buyid era, and philosopher and historian from Parandak, Iran.As a Neoplatonist, his influence on Islamic philosophy is primarily in the area of ethics.He was the author of the first major Islamic work on philosophical ethics. Ibnu A'tsam al-Kufi menyebutkan bahwa kecintaan Ibnu Muljam kepada Qatham adalah alasan untuk membunuh Amirul Mukminin dan berkata: 'Setelah Perang Nahrawan dan sebelum tibanya Ali as ke Kufah, Ibnu Muljam sudah tiba di Kufah dan menyampaikan berita tentang terbunuhnya para Kahwarij kepada para pendukungnya. Dia di Kufah menaruh hati kepada. Perang ali dan muawiyah.

Varies, approximately 8,000 awards are disbursed each year.

The Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship Program is a merit-based program that encourages top-ranked high school seniors to attend approved Missouri postsecondary schools.Individuals who have completed a home-school program or who have obtained a certificate of high school equivalence by passing the General Educational Development (GED) exam are also eligible.

There is no application required for this award. Students are automatically considered based on their ACT and/or SAT scores. Interested students can visit the Missouri Department of Higher Education ( .. sign up for full scholarship deadline information.