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Under the leadership of their own supervisorThe quality circle is purely concerned with work-related problems. Therefore, supervisors of the work area prove to be the best persons to lead the group, as they are thorough with the functioning of the department. The idea of electing or selecting the leader from the quality circle members is not encouraged as it does not work out effectively. Identification, Analysis and SolutionsThe circle identify their own problems in their own work area.

The circle members are not encouraged to highlight the fault of others. Presenting Solutions to ManagementAfter collection of data, working out new ideas in consultation with all kinds of people, the members come to a conclusion which if implemented will deliver the goods. The final idea (solution) should be presented to the management together by the group members (not by the leader alone or any other member). Interestingly the circle solutions (projects) are so meticulously thought out that their outright rejection (not favored for implementation) by the management is rare. Self ImplementationThe quality circles are made for implementation of their solutions as they deal with the problems over the fence in the next department are completely isolated from it.

Only each department has to care for their babies. Meeting time any timeThe meetings of the circle members may not be arranged essentially during their normal working hours. As it may affect their working and thereby production. Also, if the work is done in shifts then the circle members may come different shifts and a common free time for all may be difficult to spare within normal working period. Hence, such meetings could be held any time in a working day and holiday. Advantages of Quality CirclesThe following are some of the advantages of Quality Circles.1. It infuses team spirit among the workers.2.

It improves decision making ability.3. It improves employee communication at all levels of the organization.4. It improves problem solving ability.5. It improves leadership skill.6. It builds confidence / trust.7.

It incorporates a sense of belonging to their organization.8. It creates a sense of corporate loyalty and corporate pride.9. It improves the relationship between managers and the work force.10. It improves quality, production and productivity.11. It improves the self image of the employees.12.

It reduces cost of production.13. It enhances customer satisfaction.14. It increases demand for product/services of the organization.15. There is greater job security and more employment opportunity Problems of Quality Circle Programmes1. As the circle membership is voluntary, a member can drop out when he/she wishes so. This option may be even be exercised to force other members to come to his/her terms.2.

The selection of a problem to be tackled first may generate more heat among the circle members. A strong-willed member may bulldoze his/her ideas straining the relationship.3. The quality circle takes up a problem which is difficult to solve, thus, wasting their time and energy.4. The departmental managers often prove less supportive, as the members of quality circle come to limelight often.5. Fixing-up meeting time becomes difficult due to fluctuating working demand.6. The circle may form an impression that the management is not implementing its suggestions whole heatedly and is dilly-dallying the idea which may have a dampening effect on the circle, demoralizing them.7.

Quality Circle Advantages

The quality circle may feel after some time that it has run out of problems which in effect implies that it is not brainstorming according to the rules.
