Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Soundtrack. Complete List of Songs. O-Ren is top of a building with a sniper rifle. Beatrix is beside Sophie at a red light, and has a flashback of Sophie. Beatrix then drives off. Beatrix calls O-Ren out of the restaurant, then cuts off sophies arm.

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Kill Bill Ost Torrent

quote. What is the name of the song that plays when Beatrix kills the Trucker and Buck?/quoteCheck out page 7 of this threadquote2) What is the name of the song where Beatrix is riding through the car park in a wheel-chair?/quoteTruck Turner-Main Themequote3) What movie is Run Fay Run by Isaac Hayes off?/quoteCheck out the bottom of page 2quoteWhat’s the song that plays in Volume 1 when the Bride is fighting Oren in the garden? It starts off with flamenco guitar then transitions into a more funky sound./quoteCheck out page 7.

One of the great pleasures of a soundtrack is knowing that it won't be a standard modern-day soundtrack, filled with filler and acts that the label is trying to break. Instead, it will consist of music that even hardcore record collectors will find unusual or at least ripe for revival. The soundtrack to the first volume of his revenge epic Kill Bill blended those two inclinations, but the soundtrack to the second film is almost nothing but unusual music. Some names are familiar, but the music isn't - there are three selections from, rockabilly cult hero makes his second appearance, 's latter-day 'A Satisfied Man' is here, and 's 'About Her' is a clever trip-hop spin on ' 'She's Not There.' The rest is devoted to music that sounds like the soundtrack to a Mexican spaghetti Western, which really isn't all that far off from what large parts of Kill Bill, Vol.

2 actually is. This makes for a unified soundtrack album, but one that lacks the immediate impact of, since nothing is as gripping upon the first listen as the haunting 'Twisted Nerve,' the mesmerizing funk of 'Battle Without Honor or Humility,' or the crazed intensity of ' version of 'Woo Hoo.' That said, it is cinematic, unpredictable, and absorbing, gaining resonance after a viewing of the film, as all good soundtracks do; it only pales in comparison to its predecessor, which was good not just as a soundtrack, but as an album of its own account.